Superstitions - To Believe Or Not To Believe

Today after a long time, thought of blogging and was thinking of a topic for my blog. After a long thought process, I couldn't arrive at a proper blog topic, so decided to cut my nails. The moment i started cutting my nails, my mom started scolding me. For a moment, I failed to understand why she was scolding me. Then she told me cutting nails on a Saturday is a bad omen. She also told me, I should also never cut nails after sunset on any day. Well, when I asked her the reason behind it, she had no answer, she just said its bad.

Similarly, there are many credulous belief or notion in this world which are not based on any reasonable proof or knowledge but still people tend to believe them.

Whether we believe in these superstitions or not, but when somebody says its a bad omen, we tend to believe it. I personally don't believe in these things but subconsciously I have believed in few of these superstitions over the years. In fact many of us would have believed in them at one or other instances.

I can list a few beliefs which I have heard from my elders from my childhood.

1. Do not proceed if a cat crosses your path.
2. Never ask the question "Where are you going" when somebody is leaving the house.
3. Never get a hair cut on a Tuesday.
4. When you wake up in the morning, always wake up from the right side.
5. Never leave your slippers in your bedroom. Seeing slippers as soon as you wake up in the morning is bad omen.
6. Right eye twitching is good for men, left eye twitching is good for women.
7. If there is itching on the right palm (left for female) you can get some money or favors.
8. If there is itching on the left palm (right for female) brings bad luck.
8. If a lizard makes a sound when you make a statement, it indicates that what you said is true.
9. Coconut tree, Ashoka Tree, Banyan Tree etc are considered sacred. Never cut them.
10. Repeated hiccups indicates someone's thinking of you.

and this list goes on.